Sunpower 150 Watt Monocrystalline Solar Panel

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Pata Sasa! Lipa Pole PoleDeposit Ksh4,000 then we deliver and pay Ksh512 monthly for 12 months as you use. Countrywide delivery.



Function Allows to efficiently recharge batteries from solar energy. The rigid frame can be drilled to ensure installation on a stern arch or other support.
Power of the panel 150 W
Cell type Back contact Sunpower (23.6% efficiency).
Max Power Voltage (VMP) 23,32 V
Intensity at Maximum Power (IMP) 6,22 A
Open circuit voltage 28,11 V
Short circuit current 6,65 A
Connection Supplied with 0.9 m of cable terminated with MC4 connectors. Possibility to connect directly to the junction box.
Cell size 125 x 125 mm
Number of cells 40
Aluminium frame Hollow with double wall anodized color
Frame height 35 mm
Glass thickness 3.2 mm
Connection box IP65
Panel size 670 x 1060 mm
Weight 8 kg
Product warranty 10 years parts and labour
10-year production 90% guarantee
Production at 25 years old 80% guarantee