Yamaha Pro Mixer 8 Channel with USB & Bluetooth

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Professional powered audio mixing console is a 8 channel input amplifier with graphic equalizers, 8 aux, xlr jack inputs microphones,guitars, pianos and music inputs. It has  power output able of powering at least two mid range speakers . It has aux and two speakons. It has a very clear sound when well balanced. We give a one year warranty for products which does not apply to reckless handling.  professional powered audio mixing console is a 8 channel input amplifier with graphic equalizers, 8 aux, xlr jack inputs microphones, guitars, pianos and music inputs. It has  watts power output able of powering at least two mid range speakers . It has aux and two speakons. It has a very clear sound when well balanced. We give a one year warranty for products which does not apply to reckless handling. instyle power solution.

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